Below are the two list of images archived over a twenty plus year career in horse shows. These shows and photos are still available for viewing and purchase.
A $75 archival fee is required to repost your show images which will be created toward your order. This fee is non refundable. This fee is ONLY good for one horse. You must know the class, year, and show you are looking for.
Once your message is received, an invoice will be sent & upon payment, a private gallery link will be sent & the $75 added to your online account. Once that is done, you will have two weeks to make your purchase. You will be given a date on which that two weeks will expire. Once the two weeks is up, the images will be removed once again and your account credit will no longer be valid if you choose not to place an order.
In Person Archives!
I do offer archive reviews while I'm in town for shows. These must be scheduled ahead of time and are no charge. To schedule one or to submit a archive request, use the contact button below!
Natasha Grace

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